Saturday, February 23, 2008

Plugging Knowledge Leaks

A colleague of mine sent me this interesting link. Managing Knowledge Security was also featured in The Hindu Business Line - see [LINK]. This is the second book of mine to be featured by the The Hindu Business Line. The Outsourcing Handbook (a co-authored publication with M. Power and C. Bonifazi) was also featured by the paper.

Protect your Assets - Or Pay the Price

An article based on my recent book, Managing Knowledge Security, appears in the current issue of Better Business [LINK]

Friday, February 22, 2008

Another day of thinking and writing…

Last evening went out and had dinner with a good colleague of mine Ashley Braganza (see LINK) near Harrow-on-the-Hill. Today, spent the morning taking a walk near London Bridge and then got to the office. The plan for today is to get through one article that I need to revise and resubmit back to a journal.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Back at LSE Working

Got back this morning…An average day in terms of productivity…Got through reading five papers and making a few notes…Still having difficulty conceptualizing my ideas…But not to worry, will head to the pub for a pint and reflection on the day…

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Talk at Aberystwyth School of Management and Business

I delivered my talk on building sustainable innovation programs at the Aberystwyth School of Management and Business, Aberystwyth University. I enjoyed the lively discussion with the faculty and doctoral students.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Arrival into Aberystwyth, Wales

Got into Aberystwyth at about 1.30 PM and headed to the Gwesty Cymru (see The hotel is lovely and the room is even better. My room has a spectacular view and overlooks the Irish Sea. Upon arrival, I was greeted by Prof. Sajjad M Jasimuddin (see LINK). I spent an hour chatting with Sajjad and then roamed around this beautiful town.

See below for pictures…(the first two pictures are views from my room window…)

Journey to Aberystwyth, Wales

On Wednesday the 20th, I will be delivering a talk at the Aberystwyth School of Management and Business ( So this morning, I boarded a train from London Euston to Aberystwyth, Wales. The train ride involved a short transit in Birmingham New Street. See below for pictures from the train ride and the transit stop…I was busy preparing for my talk during the train ride, but it was hard to focus once the train entered Wales as the scenery was spectacular.

London – The first three days

I have been enjoying London. I have gotten settled in my flat and am now getting into the groove of research. I spent most of the day reading through old papers and thinking of new ideas. I also went and saw my office at LSE yesterday. It is lovely and the staff there are also excellent. Here are some pictures taken during my free time…

(P.S. The most interesting ideas and research conversations occur over a few pints…)

Monday, February 18, 2008

In London…

I got to London yesterday morning...Spent the whole day roaming around the city and getting through the jetlag. Today, will be spending the day at the Royal Society of the Arts ( and then at the London School of Economics and Political Science (

Saturday, February 16, 2008

2008 European Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics

I am on the program committee for the 2008 European Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. The conference will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark on December 3-5th, 2008. Please see for details. I encourage all of you to submit your work to the conference.

Leaving for London…

I will be spending the next few months based out of London, England. I will be flying back and forth between the UK and the US for conferences and meetings. I will be based at the London School of Economics and Political Science during my time in London. While in the UK, I will be visiting Wales, Nottingham, the Greater Manchester Area, and many more places. Most of my time will be spent connecting with colleagues, doing some writing, and gathering data for my ongoing research projects. For entertainment there will be plenty of friends, rugby, and football to distract me.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stepping Down as Director of the Institute for National Security Education and Research

Press Release from the Institute for National Security Education and Research at the University of Washington (

The UW Institute for National Security Education and Research (INSER) is pleased to announce that, effective February 14, 2008, Dr. Jeffrey Y. Kim, faculty in the Information School, is the new Director of INSER. Jeff Kim has been an instrumental part of INSER since its inception. He was previously Deputy Director of INSER and worked directly under the guidance of Kevin Desouza, the founding director of INSER. During his tenure as Director, Dr. Kevin C. Desouza laid a solid foundation for INSER. Some highlights of his tenure include:

  • Establishing the INSER program through a multi-year grant from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. In the first two years of the program, INSER received over $1.1 million dollars of total funding.
  • Establishing and leading an inter-disciplinary group of strategic partners across the UW to partake in INSER programs. INSER partners represent a wide assortment of disciplines including Political Science, International Studies, Engineering, Public Affairs, Physics, Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, Asian Languages and Literature, and Architecture and Urban Planning.
  • Securing INSER’s first inter-disciplinary collaborative research grant through the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (OASD-NII) through its Command & Control Research Program and the Center for Edge Power at the Naval Postgraduate School.
  • Delivering several keynote lectures across the country and the globe on matters related to national security, intelligence programs, and sustainable innovation. Most recently, he was invited to give a keynote address at the Intelligence Colloquium hosted by the Tennessee State University’s Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence. Other talks included a presentation at the 2007 Bled Strategic Conference on the invitation of H. E. Dr. Rupel, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.

Kevin Desouza will continue in his role as a faculty member at the Information School and as Director of the Institute for Innovation in Information Management at the University of Washington.

Naval Postgraduate School - Edge Project Research Workshop

I am headed to the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California to attend the 6th Edge Project Research Workshop. I am looking forward to exchanging ideas during this meeting. I will be presenting two papers. The first one is funded sponsored in part by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (OASD-NII) through its Command & Control Research Program and the Center for Edge Power at the Naval Postgraduate School. While the second one received partial support from the Centers for Academic Excellence Program at the Office o the Director of National Intelligence via the Institute for National Security Education and Research at the University of Washington.

Performance Measures for Edge Organizations: A Preliminary Report (Authors: Kevin C. Desouza, Sumit Roy, Yuan Lin)

Taking an information-processing view of organizations, we address the need for building a robust set of performance measures for Edge Organizations (EOs). Alberts and Hayes in Power to the Edge: Command, Control in the Information Age conceptualized EOs as information-intensive entities whose performance is directly related to their ability for agile information processing. We ask the question, how can we measure the information-processing capacities of EOs? To this end, in this research-in-progress paper, we examine (1) the technical dimension of information flows, (2) the human-dimension of information flows, and (3) the socio-technical dimensions of information flows. The technical dimension represents movement of information between two machine nodes and can be informed by drawing on performance measures for telecommunications network theory. The social dimension represents the movement of information between two human nodes for which we examine the literature on social networks for performance measures. Finally, the socio-technical dimension represents movement of information between human and technical nodes or vice versa. To develop measures for these information flows we must not only extend, and customize, the performance measures from telecommunications networks and social networks, but also draw on measures in the disciplines of decision sciences, information sciences, and organizational science, among others.

Coordination Strategies for Edge Organizations (Authors: JoaquĆ­n Herranz, Jr., Kevin C. Desouza, Sumit Roy)

This paper provides a critical analysis of coordination strategies related to Alberts and Hayes’ (2003) conceptualization of Edge Organizations (EOs). According to Alberts and Hayes (2003), EOs offer a high-contrast alternative form of coordination when compared to hierarchical structures for command and control (C2). In this view, EOs resemble networks in their form and in their decentralized, adaptive, and dynamic functioning. This paper examines and extends current theoretical understanding of coordination strategies for EOs by providing a three-part analytical critique. The first part examines the EO concept from the critical perspective of organization theory. The second part questions the notion of EOs as an archetypical network form that is best able to combat terrorist organizations. We argue that terrorist organizations represent a range of organizational forms rather than a single network form. Consequently, EOs should likewise represent an adaptive range of organizational forms and coordination strategies. The third part provides a conceptual framework that builds upon the previous critiques and identifies a range of coordinating strategies for EOs that would enable leaders to use an analytical model in determining the strategic and operational trade-offs associated with different coordination strategies in multi-actor complex endeavors. We argue that the effectiveness and efficiency of the EO is related to its coordinating strategy. Consequently, the EO needs to be agile enough to choose the right coordinating strategy given the conditions of its internal and external environments. The internal environment includes the work and task allotments, while external environment considers the issues of coalition partners, goals, strategies, etc. Our paper contributes to building a more robust EO framework by providing a critical analysis of coordination strategies related to Alberts and Hayes’ (2003) re-conceptualization of military organizations as EOs

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Interview - Government Health IT

I was interviewed for an article on artificial neural networks in the healthcare industry. The article, “Crunch time for neural nets” by David Perera can be found at

March 5 – London School of Economics and Political Science

I will give a talk at the London School of Economics and Political Science on The Future of Terrorist Entities: An Evolutionary Analysis. This talk will be based on the research work that I will be conducting as part of my visiting fellowship at LSE’s Center for International Studies

March 12 - University of Nottingham

I have just finalized another speaking event in the UK. On March 12, I will visit the University of Nottingham. Dr. George Kuk of the Information Systems Division at Nottingham University Business School will be my host. My talk is titled, "Complexities of Large-Scale Technology Project Failure: A Forensic Analysis of the Seattle Popular Monorail Authority".